[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] [ELIXIR-IIB] COURSE ANNOUNCEMENT: EMBO Practical Course in population genomics and machine learning. Procida, 30 Mar-6 Apr 2019
General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list
elixir-ita_ml.elixir-ita.cnr.it a srv00.area.ba.cnr.it
Mar 22 Gen 2019 14:00:51 CET
Please feel free to forward this message to who might be interested.
Apologize for multiple posting.
Dear Colleagues,
ELIXIR-IIB is pleased to announce the third edition of the EMBO practical
course in population genomics, this year with a focus on programming and
machine learning applied to population genomics.
Here is the link to the course page:
*Registration deadline is January 31st.*
This EMBO Practical Course will cover coalescent, genetic diversity,
natural selection, population demography in time and space, admixture,
genetic clustering, and genome-wide association studies. Population
genetics topics will be complemented by computational ones such as Python
programming and machine learning techniques.
This course aims at evolutionary biologists who already have basic
bioinformatics skills. Ph.D. students and Postdoc researchers will benefit
the most out of this course, but applications from all candidates will be
evaluated in their context.
Kind regards,
The ELIXIR-IIB Training Platform
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EMBO Practical Course
Population genomics: Background, tools and programming
30 March–6 April 2019 | Procida, Italy
Interested in attending? Visit the website:
Register by: 31 January 2019
Find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/221290645415889/ or
join the conversation on Twitter with #EMBOpopgenomics
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*Please, email us back with the word REMOVE as the subject line, if you
don't want to receive messages from ELIXIR-IIB Training anymore.*
*ELIXIR-IIB Training *
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