[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] [ELIXIR-EXCELERATE] Carpentries Workshops February 11-12 (Naples, IT) and February 14-15 (Milan, IT)
General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list
elixir-ita_ml.elixir-ita.cnr.it a srv00.area.ba.cnr.it
Lun 21 Gen 2019 15:32:56 CET
Please feel free to forward this message to those who might be interested.
Apologize for multiple posting.
Dear Colleagues,
As part of the EXCELERATE ELIXIR-Carpentries agreement, ELIXIR-IT will host
two Carpentries workshops in February 2019. Space is limited and it will
likely fill quickly. Course attendance is free of charge.
1) *ELIXIR Software Carpentry **on February 11-12, 2019** at the at the
IGB-CNR of Naples, Italy.* More information at the workshop webpage
<https://mchiapello.github.io/2019-02-11-Naples/>. Here is the registration
link <https://bit.ly/2VJUPpR>.
Should you have any question, do not hesitate to contact the ELIXIR-IIB
Training Team (elixir.ita.training a gmail.com) and/or the local organiser
Dr. Vincenza Colonna (vincenza.colonna a igb.cnr.it <gianluca a dellavedova.org>).
The workshop is aimed at biologists with little or no prior computational
experience and is focused on Reproducible Scientific Analysis. The
curriculum will include: The Unix Shell, R for Reproducible Scientific
Analysis, Version Control with Git
For instance, after attending this workshop you will be able to: automate
repetitive tasks, capture small data manipulation steps that are normally
not recorded to make research reproducible, R data and plot manipulation,
use a few easy-to-remember commands to do most day-to-day version control
2) *ELIXIR Data Carpentry on February 14-15, 2019 at the University of
Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy.* More information at the workshop webpage
<https://anacost.github.io/2019-02-14-elixir-milano/>. Here is the registration
Should you have any question, do not hesitate to contact the ELIXIR-IIB
Training Team (elixir.ita.training a gmail.com) and/or the local organiser
Dr. Gianluca Della Vedova (gianluca a dellavedova.org).
The workshop is aimed at people from any area with little or no prior
computational experience who need to develop skills for data organisation in
spreadsheets, data cleaning with OpenRefine, data analysis and
visualization in Python, data management with SQL.
The Carpentries are a fiscally sponsored project of Community Initiatives.
They teach skills that are immediately useful for researchers, using
lessons and datasets that allow researchers to quickly apply what they’ve
learned to their own work. The target audience is learners who have little
to no prior computational experience, and the instructors put a priority on
creating a friendly environment to empower researchers and enable
data-driven discovery. Even those with some experience will benefit, as the
goal is to teach not only how to do analyses, but how to manage the process
to make it as automated and reproducible as possible.
Please, email us back with the word REMOVE as the subject line, if you
don't want to receive messages from ELIXIR-IIB Training anymore.
Kind regards,
The Organisers
*ELIXIR-IIB Training *
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