[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] [ELIXIR-IIB] [COURSE ANNOUNCEMENT] Single Cell RNA Sequencing and Data Analysis - TIGEM, Pozzuoli (NA) - 7-9 May 2019
General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list
elixir-ita_ml.elixir-ita.cnr.it a srv00.area.ba.cnr.it
Gio 31 Gen 2019 17:54:08 CET
Please circulate this email to those who might be interested.
ELIXIR-IIB, in collaboration with the Telethon Institute of Genetics and
Medicine (TIGEM) and the National Research Council, is pleased to announce
the upcoming practical course on *“Single Cell RNA Sequencing and Data
Deadline for applications: *16 March 2019 *
Course date: 7-9 May 2019
A maximum of *25* candidates will be accepted in the course. Priority will
be given to candidates from ELIXIR-IIB member institutions and ELIXIR
nodes. Participants will be selected based on a solid background in RNA
sequencing theory and practice. Applicants with a dataset ready to be
analyzed in their own research project will be given priority.
Academic 350€ - Non-academic 500€
Registration fee includes course material, coffee breaks, lunch and dinner
buffets, the transfer from the partner hotels.
Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM)
Via dei Campi Flegrei, 34
80078 Pozzuoli (NA)
Italy www.tigem.it
Single-Cell Transcriptomics is improving the quality of biological
investigations by enhancing the dissection of heterogeneity in complex
tissues and cell cultures.
This 3-day course aims to provide an overview of a complete Single-Cell RNA
sequencing workflow:
- A theoretical overview of all existing methods to perform Single-Cell RNA
sequencing libraries with a focus on individual features and weaknesses.
- A practical hands-on laboratory training to produce 10X Genomics 3’
Single-Cell RNA sequencing libraries.
- A practical bioinformatics training that will provide guidelines and
tools to process and analyze Single-Cell RNA sequencing libraries from raw
sequences to visualization.
*Full details at: **ELIXIR-IIB Single Cell Course
Should you have any question, do not hesitate to contact the local
organiser Barbara Zimbardi course2019 a tigem.it
Thank you for your interest,
kind regards,
the ELIXIR-IIB Training Team.
*We apologise for cross-posting.*
*Please, email us back with the word REMOVE as the subject line, if you
don't want to receive messages from ELIXIR-IIB Training anymore.*
*ELIXIR-IIB Training *
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