[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] Fwd: [ELIXIR TeC] ELIXIR Core Data Resources
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Mar 25 Lug 2017 10:34:11 CEST
E' con grande oddisfazione che facciamo i complimenti e ringraziamo MINT
(parte dell'IMEx Consortium) e MobiDB (parte di InterPro) per essere
diventate le prime ELIXIR Core Data Resource italiane.
Cordiali saluti,
-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto: [ELIXIR TeC] ELIXIR Core Data Resources
Data: Tue, 25 Jul 2017 09:27:37 +0100
Mittente: Niklas Blomberg <niklas.blomberg a elixir-europe.org>
A: <heads-of-nodes a elixir-europe.org> <heads-of-nodes a elixir-europe.org>
CC: training-coordinators a elixir-europe.org,
tech-coordinators a elixir-europe.org
Dear all,
Today we publish the initial list of ELIXIR Core Data Resources
<https://www.elixir-europe.org/platforms/data/core-data-resources> -
data resources of fundamental importance to the life science community
and the long-term preservation of biological data. In addition to the
list of Core Data Resources, ELIXIR has compiled an initial list of
Deposition Databases
that it recommends for the deposition of experimental data.
You can read the full announcement**in this News item
<https://www.elixir-europe.org/news/core-data-resources>. The lists are
linked to from the Data Platform page
<https://www.elixir-europe.org/platforms/data>, which has consequently
had a lightweight review, to accommodate the new web pages.
The work leading up to this release (corresponding to Work Package 3 of
EXCELERATE) has been the primary focus of the Data Platform in recent
months, and will continue to occupy us going forward, as we establish
the selection, review and update process as a cycle, and work through
the questions that this challenging but important exercise has raised.
That being said, today's announcement is a landmark for the Data
Platform, and ELIXIR, and I would like to thank everyone involved and in
particular Jo McEntyre and Christine Durinx for their heroic efforts
taking us this far!
My very best regards,
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