[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] Open position announcement
General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list
elixir-ita_ml.elixir-ita.cnr.it a srv00.area.ba.cnr.it
Lun 7 Ago 2023 15:02:21 CEST
The Computational and Systems biology lab of the University of Florence is opening a 2-year
position on the generation and/or integration of - omics data for the comprehension of resistance and pathogenesis mechanisms of bacteria
We are looking for a motivated researchers, ideally with a multidisciplinary background.
Details of this position can be found at the following link:
https://www.bio.unifi.it/vp-509-open-positions.html <https://www.bio.unifi.it/vp-509-open-positions.html>
or emailing me at marco.fondi AT unifi.it <http://unifi.it/>
Thanks in advance for sharing this message with anyone potentially interested.
Marco Fondi
Research Fellow (Ric. T.D. B)
Dep. of Biology
University of Florence
Tel. +39 055 4574736
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