[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] Third MaSBiC Symposium, Advanced in Protein Science: Exploring Structure, Function, and Beyond
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Gio 3 Ago 2023 18:24:21 CEST
Please circulate this email to those who might be interested.
ELIXIR-IT, in collaboration with MaSBiC - Marche Structural Biology Center
is pleased to announce the upcoming symposium “*Third MaSBiC Symposium,
Advanced in Protein Science: Exploring Structure, Function, and Beyond*”.
Deadline for abstract submission for posters and short talks (20 minutes): *1st
September 2023*
Deadline for simple registration: *11th September 2023*
Symposium date:
*20th-22nd September 2023*
The symposium will be held *both remotely and in presence at Polytechnic
University of Marche, “Polo Monte Dago”*, Via Brecce Bianche, 14/B, 60131
Ancona (AN)
- Student and remote participants: *Free*
- PhD Student and Post-doc: *100€*
- Professor, associate professor, assistant professor and researchers:
- Non-academics: *250€*
*Full details at: https://disvamasbic-symposium.bio-groups.com/
<https://disvamasbic-symposium.bio-groups.com/>SYMPOSIUM DESCRIPTION:*
The 3rd MaSBiC Annual Symposium brings together experimental biologists,
computational chemists, biochemists, biophysicists and structural and
molecular biologists who study different features of proteins such as
structure, dynamics, folding, evolution and much more. Several invited
speakers will emphasize a wide range of approaches for tackling important
and challenging issues in the study of proteins structure and functions.
*Invited speakers:*
- Prof. *Benoît Roux *(Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago)
- Prof. *Rebecca Wade* (Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS))
- Prof. *Dario DiFrancesco* (Department of Biosciences, The Pacelab,
University of Milan)
- Prof. *Maurizio Taglialatela* (Department of Neuroscience, University of
Naples “Federico II”)
- Prof. *Filippo Mancia *(Department of Phisiology and Cellular Biophysics,
Columbia University)
- Prof. *Stefano Gianni *(Pasteur Institute - Cenci Bolognetti Foundation,
Department of Biochemical Sciences "A. Rossi Fanelli" and CNR Institute of
Molecular Biology and Pathology, Sapienza University of Rome)
- Prof. *Gianni Cesareni *(Department of Biology, University of Roma Tor
- Prof. *Carlo Camilloni *(Department of Biosciences, University of Milan)
Should you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us at
*masbic.symposium a gmail.com
<masbic.symposium a gmail.com>* and/or the local assistant Agnese
Roscioni (*a.roscioni a pm.univpm.it
<a.roscioni a pm.univpm.it>)*.
Thank you for your interest,
the Organisers: Prof. Daniele Di Marino, Prof. Luca Maragliano, Dr. Edoardo
Milanetti, Prof. Domenico Raimondo
*We apologise for cross-posting. Please, email us back with the word REMOVE
as the subject line, if you don't want to receive messages from ELIXIR-IT
Training anymore.*
*ELIXIR-IT Training *
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