[wp5 at ecopotential] [ECOPOTENTIAL] [WP5] Urgent: WP5 related publications for 'progress report' (by 2nd March)

Peterseil Johannes johannes.peterseil at umweltbundesamt.at
Wed Feb 28 09:03:31 CET 2018

Dear all,

please send the reference and if possible also the files with the publications which are related to ECOPOTENTIAL WP5 from the last 18 month. This also should include publications where you provided data as WP5 acitivity. We need to include that in the progress report which we is already due. So I ask you to send your contributions latest by Friday, 2nd March.

Please have also a look on the draft description of the results and contribute. Here is the link to the google document https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A8kkXfbZAEd_33LcLGjOWe_mtfeN9q871uvhCQupaKk/edit?usp=sharing.
Here also the list of publications should be included.

Sorry for the hurry and thanks for your contribution,

Johannes Peterseil, Dr.
Abteilungsleiter / Head of Department

Ecosystem Research & Environmental Information Management
Ökosystemforschung & Umweltinformationsmanagement

T: +43 (0)1 313 04-3443
F: +43 (0)1 313 04-3533
johannes.peterseil at umweltbundesamt.at<mailto:johannes.peterseil at umweltbundesamt.at>
Skype: johannes.peterseil

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