[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] Course: Computational Pangenomics - DEADLINE POSTPONED TO MAY 24TH, 2024
General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list
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Lun 13 Maggio 2024 08:00:00 CEST
Please circulate this email to those who might be interested.
ELIXIR-IT is pleased to announce that the deadline to subscribe to the
upcoming workshop *Computational pangenomics *has been postponed to
* May 24th, 2024. *
Participants will learn about pangenome concepts and gain practical
experience building and analyzing pangenome graphs. They will apply these
methods to complex research questions that require understanding the
relationships between multiple genomes or accounting for variability when
analyzing new genomes. By the end of the practical course / workshop,
participants will have a strong understanding of pangenome methods based on
whole genome assemblies.
This course is aimed at PhD-students, post docs or other researchers
interested in learning about pangenomics. It will be especially useful for
researchers that have (or will have) data of their own.
*Deadline for applications: POSTPONED to 24 May 2024*
Chosen participants will be notified by: *31 May 2024*
*Course date: 19-21 June 2024*
Aula informatizzata, 2nd Floor, Building CU010, Sapienza University of
Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy.
A maximum of 24 candidates will be accepted in the course. Priority will be
given to candidates from ELIXIR-IT member institutions and ELIXIR Nodes.
*FEE: EUR 70*
The fee covers coffee-breaks.
Participants are expected to pay their own travel and accommodation costs
(if any).
*Erik Garrison* - University of Tennesse Health Science Center
*Andrea Guarracino* - University of Tennesse Health Science Center
*Flavia Villani* - University of Tennesse Health Science Center
Full details and registration form available at:
Vincenza Colonna - University of Tennesse Health Science Center
Erik Garrison - University of Tennesse Health Science Center
Andrea Guarracino - University of Tennesse Health Science Center
Luana Licata Tor Vergata University of Rome - ELIXIR-IT
Flavia Villani - University of Tennesse Health Science Center
For all kinds of queries, please contact the local organiser Luana Licata
at: luana.licata a uniroma2.it.
For questions about course content, methods, and materials, please contact:
Erik Garrison egarris5 a uthsc.edu
Andrea Guarracino aguarra1 a uthsc.edu
Thank you for your interest.
On behalf of the Organisers
Luana Licata (Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy)
*ELIXIR-IT Training *
*If you no longer wish to receive updates from the ELIXIR-IT Training
Platform please reply to this email by simply putting "REMOVE" in the
subject line*
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