[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] Post-doc position @UNIFI
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Mer 21 Feb 2024 12:37:48 CET
The Computational and Systems biology lab of the University of Florence (
dbefcb.unifi.it) is opening a 1-year (renewable) position on the study of
antibiotic resistance, persistence and tolerance in bacteria through
computational modelling.
*Title: **An integrated approach for the study of antibiotic resistance,
persistance and tolerance in bacteria*
*Description of Research Activity*
The research will deal with the main mechanisms involved in antibiotic
resistance, persistence and tolerance. The main aspect of the research
activity will be the study of the links existing between population-level
metabolic heterogeneity, the level of ploidy that characterizes such
microbial population and their role in persisters formation. The ideal
candidate will have a strong interest in systems biology aspects of
microbial physiology and for multi-disciplinary approaches in general.
For the project, an integrated approach that combines NGS (genomics and
transcriptomic), microbiology techniques and computational modeling will be
used to provide a mechanistic understanding of the observed phenotypes.
Particular relevance will be given to the planning, execution and analysis
of experiments.
Link to the call:
Application website:
For info: marco.fondi a unifi.it
Marco Fondi, PhD
Biology Dep.
University of Florence
Via Madonna del Piano 6, 50019
Sesto F.no <http://f.no/>, Florence
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