[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] Last reminder: Elixir Course announcement: DisProt and MobiDB - 22th April 2024
General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list
elixir-ita_ml.elixir-ita.cnr.it a srv00.area.ba.cnr.it
Mar 9 Apr 2024 17:32:14 CEST
*To whom it may concern*
There are still few places available to participate to the upcoming
course "*DisProt
and MobiDB: Exploring Intrinsically Disordered Proteins and functional
This course is designed to facilitate the dissemination of two major
resources about the disordered protein, *DisProt* and *MobiDB*, both part
of ELIXIR infrastructure, within the scientific community. Through this
course, participants will gain fundamental insights into IDP data
interpretation, the correlation with specific biological mechanisms and
diseases while learning about the essential guidelines for becoming active
contributors to the extensive network of DisProt curators.
Registration deadline: *15 April 2024*
Notification of acceptance: *19 April 2024*
Course date: *22th April 2024*
This is an online course. The selected participants will receive a Zoom
link to connect to the course.
This course is free of charge.
For further details and application form please visit:
*Contacts: *
mariacristina.aspromonte a unipd.it
federica.quaglia8 a gmail.com
Kind regards,
The ELIXIR-IT Training Platform
*ELIXIR-IT Training *
*If you no longer wish to receive updates from the ELIXIR-IT Training
Platform please reply to this email by simply putting "REMOVE" in the
subject line*
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