[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] [CORRECTED LINK] ELIXIR Italy All Hands Meeting (AHM) - November 27-28, 2023 ELIXIR Italy All Hands Meeting (AHM) - November 27-28, 2023
General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list
elixir-ita_ml.elixir-ita.cnr.it a srv00.area.ba.cnr.it
Mer 18 Ott 2023 13:43:45 CEST
Here is the updated Announcement with the corrected link to the ELIXIR-IT
Rare Disease Community workshop web page, for full details and
registration. Apologies for any inconvenience.
ELIXIR-IT is pleased to announce the ELIXIR Italy All Hands Meeting
2023, taking
place on 27th - 28th November (lunch-to-lunch) in Rome, CNR headquarters, P.le
Aldo Moro 7.
The ELIXIR Italy All Hands Meeting 2023 will be an opportunity to discuss
and explore the Platforms and Communities, their activities and future
perspectives. Our primary goal is to foster connections between ELIXIR
Italy members, facilitate interactions and broaden awareness of the entire
Research Infrastructure and its potential for researchers, providers and
other stakeholders.
Full details and the application form are available at the ELIXIR Italy AHM
Because the event venue has a maximum capacity of 100 participants,
applications will be open until October 31, as a selection may be necessary
The event will be followed by two parallel workshops on 28th - 29th
November 2023 (lunch-to-lunch):
1) ELIXIR-IT Rare Disease Community workshop on "Analysis and collection of
rare disease data: a joint effort of biomedical and bioinformatics research
communities". For full details and registration, go to:
2) ELIXIR-IT Proteomics Community workshop on "ProteomiX – Mix your
knowledge to get more!" For full details and registration, go to:
For any inquiries or further details, please do not hesitate to contact us
at elixir.ita.training a gmail.com.
We look forward to welcoming you to the ELIXIR-IT All Hands Meeting in Rome!
Warm regards,
the ELIXIR Italy AHM 2023 Organising Committee
*ELIXIR-IT Training *
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