[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] Web developer open position - BioComputing lab - University of Padova

General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list elixir-ita_ml.elixir-ita.cnr.it a srv00.area.ba.cnr.it
Lun 13 Nov 2023 11:46:57 CET

Dear all,

The BioComputing lab <https://biocomputingup.it/> at the University of
Padova is currently seeking two Web Developers to join our team. The
selected candidate will contribute to the development of the *APICURON* web
application (https://apicuron.org/) and our databases in the field of
disordered proteins* (IDPs), namely *MobiDB*, *DisProt*, and *PED* web
applications (https://mobidb.org/, https://disprot.org,

We are looking for an ideal candidate with a background in JavaScript and
Linux systems. Additional knowledge of the Angular and Node.js frameworks
would be considered a plus. As a Web Developer, you will be responsible for
designing, implementing, and maintaining both the front-end and back-end
components, ensuring their functionality, performance, and usability.

Please find the full job descriptions attached.

To apply, please send your CV, motivation letter, a brief description of
your research background, and the names of two or more references to
*biocomp-mgmt a bio.unipd.it
<biocomp-mgmt a bio.unipd.it>*.

The deadline for applications is *10th December 2023*.

Best regards,

Damiano Piovesan

Prof. Damiano Piovesan
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova
Via Ugo Bassi, 58/B, 35131, Padova, Italy
damiano.piovesan a unipd.it
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