[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] Course: OSA2Micro - An Open Science approach to microbiology data integration, 3-5 July 2023, Turin
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Mer 14 Giu 2023 21:04:03 CEST
Please circulate this email to those who might be interested.
ELIXIR-IIB, together with Department of Computer Science, University of
Turin and with the support from EOSC-Life, SUS-MIRRI.IT, MIRRI-IT, ELIXIR,
CNR-ISA and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino, is pleased to announce
the upcoming course “*OSA2Micro: An Open Science approach to microbiology
data integration – Landscape, software tools, platforms, and computational
Deadline for applications: *01 July 2023*
Course date: *3-5 July 2023*
Molecular Biotechnology Center (MBC)
Via Nizza 52, Turin, Italy
The course has a registration fee of *60 Euros*.
The training course is open to the international research community (young
researchers – master students, PhD students, postdocs, but also experienced
*No prior computational experience is required. *
Registration form is available at this link: *https://bit.ly/41zQkj6
Max. number of participants: 20
Registration is confirmed ONLY after the motivation letter has been
evaluated. Motivation letter: Max 500 words, please include your
background, current research objective and activity, reasons of interest in
the course.
Priority will be given to candidates from ELIXIR-IT member institutions
(see the list) and ELIXIR nodes.
Privacy discrepancy: https://bit.ly/3mEYlV2
The course is meant to introduce the software tools and platforms that have
been identified or developed in the context of the EOSC-Life project (
www.eosc-life.eu) as a way to overcome the challenges in data integration
in life sciences and, in particular, in microbiology research.
Theoretical lessons will present the EOSC-Life roadmap, FAIR principles
along with related implementation issues, workflow management systems,
including Galaxy and its related tools.
Practical demonstrations will support the understanding of the topics and
present actual examples of applications in the microbiology domain.
*COURSE PROGRAM *at https://bit.ly/3MOazVN
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the course Local
Organizers (*marco.beccuti a unito.it <marco.beccuti a unito.it>)*
We apologise for cross-posting. Please, email us back with the word REMOVE
as the subject line, if you don't want to receive messages from ELIXIR-IT
Training anymore.
*ELIXIR-IIB Training *
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