[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] Advanced Training Course in Bioinformatics: application deadline extended
General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list
elixir-ita_ml.elixir-ita.cnr.it a srv00.area.ba.cnr.it
Ven 22 Dic 2023 18:22:00 CET
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to inform you that the deadline for the application to the
Advanced Course in Bioinformatics held in Sapienza University, Rome (Corso
di Alta Formazione in Bioinformatica) has been extended to *Dec 29, 2023*.
Please circulate this email to those who might be interested.
ELIXIR-IT is pleased to inform you that registrations are open to the
upcoming "Advanced Course in Bioinformatics 2023/2024”.
- Application deadline: *December 29, 2023*
- Deadline for publication of admitted students list: *January 9, 2024*
- Deadline for payment of the first enrollment installment: *January 15,
- Expected start of classes: *February 2024*
- End of classes: *July 2024*
- Final discussion: *October 2024*
Sapienza University of Rome.
The course fee is *1400 euros. A* maximum of *16 candidates* will be
The Advanced Training Course in Bioinformatics is the result of a
collaboration between Sapienza's Department of Biochemical Sciences "A.
Rossi Fanelli" and the CNR's Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology
(IBPM-Cnr). It involves faculty members from Sapienza University of Rome,
CNR and other scientific institutions. The advanced course, with several
hands-on sessions, consists of lectures and practical activities (totalling
about 160 hours, or 20 ECTS credits), and includes a series of thematic
Full information at:
Admission candidates are required to hold a Master's degree or an
equivalent degree.
Registration instructions:
For further information, please email the training course secretariat at:
caf.bioinfo a uniroma1.it
<caf.bioinfo a uniroma1.it>
*ELIXIR-IT Training *
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