[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] BITS2023 - Bari 21-23 June 2023 - Bioinformatics Italian Society Annual Conference

General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list elixir-ita_ml.elixir-ita.cnr.it a srv00.area.ba.cnr.it
Ven 21 Apr 2023 16:39:17 CEST

Cari colleghi,
la Società Italiana di Bioinformatica organizza il convegno annuale a 
Bari il 21-23 Giugno 2023 (Hotel Excelsior).
Per informazioni visitare il sito BITS Annual Meeting 2023 

La Call for Abstract e submission form per poster e/o presentazione 
orale è disponibile a questa pagina 
<https://bioinformatics.it/bits2023/1632/calls>. *Deadline per la 
submission è Venerdi 28/4/2023.
*Le iscrizioni al convegno si apriranno il giorno 2/5/2023*.
*Le date e deadline più importanti sono riportate nella pagina Key Dates 

In aggiunto ai tradizionali topics il BITS 2023 include le seguenti 
-Bioinformatics for Food & Nutrition Research Session
Topics covered by this session are the use and/or the development of 
bioinformatics tools and services including standards for data reuse and 
sharing and for the interoperability of food and nutrition data, 
bioinformatics methods for data interpretation and management and the 
identification of nutrition biomarkers for more effective prognostic, 
diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
-Workshop: "Advanced machine-learning approaches for the analysis of 
microbiome data"  (June 21st, morning)
The workshop will focus on advanced machine learning approaches and 
their (potential or actual) application to microbiome data, including 
semi-supervised, multi-view, and transfer learning approaches. Any 
contribution to this research field will be welcome.
-Young BITS-RSG-InfoLife CINI Symposium (June 23rd, afternoon)
The Young BITS-RSG-InfoLife CINI Symposium provides a supportive and 
stimulating forum in which undergraduate, master and PhD students, and 
young researchers, can present and discuss their research with other 
members of the Italian Bioinformatics community

  Vi aspettiamo
Comitato organizzatore e Direttivo BITS

Vito Flavio Licciulli        	   Bioinformatics Researcher
e-mail:flavio.licciulli a ba.itb.cnr.it
PEC:vitoflavio.licciulli a pec.it
Head of ITB-Bari branch
C.N.R. - ITB, BARI                 Phone +39 080 5929664/680
Via Amendola 122/D, BARI (ITALY)   Fax   +39 080 5929690
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