[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] MIRRI IT offcier position

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Gio 6 Ott 2022 16:55:52 CEST

Inoltro per potenziali interessati

Da: All.ismirri21 <all.ismirri21-bounces a mirri.org> Per conto di Aurora 
Inviato: mercoledì 5 ottobre 2022 10:15
A: 'MIRRI partners mailing list' <partners a mirri.org>; All Ismirri21 
<all.ismirri21 a mirri.org>
Oggetto: [All.ismirri21] MIRRI IT offcier position

Dear colleagues,

The call to hire the MIRRI IT officer position is open. As you know, it 
is being quite hard to find a suitable candidate so we would appreciate 
if you could share the posts in your social networks and help us 
spreading the word. We really need to reach as much audience as possible 
in order to attract a talented and committed person for our project!!!

The links to the posts:



I apologise if you receive this message more than once.

Best regards,



Dr. Angelo Facchiano, PhD
CNR-ISA National Research Council, Institute of Food Sciences
Istituto di Scienze dell'Alimentazione - Consiglio Nazionale delle 
via Roma 64 - 83100 Avellino - Italy
Tel. +39.0825.299625 +39.0825.299651 - Fax +39.0825.781585
e-mail:angelo.facchiano a isa.cnr.it

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