[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] Fwd: Invitation to “Young Minds at Work: Blending Biology and Bionformatics”
General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list
elixir-ita_ml.elixir-ita.cnr.it a srv00.area.ba.cnr.it
Ven 25 Nov 2022 08:41:40 CET
Si inoltra, con preghiera di diffusione.
Grazie mille e saluti
Anna Marabotti
*Young Minds at Work:
Blending Biology and Bioinformatics
On-line workshops December 16th, 2022*
*The event is sponsored by the Bionformatics Italian Society, Società
Italiana di Virologia and **Institute for Biomedical Technologies of
National Council Research *
We would like to kindly remind you of first on-line workshop
“Young Mind at Work: Blending Biology and Bionformatics”, which will be
held on December 16th, 2022.
*The deadline for submitting scientific contributions has been postponed
to December 2th, 2022. *
The conference will bring together young investigators (PhD students,
postgraduates, post-docs and master students) from all biomedical
disciplines and will offer a great chance for young scientists to
promote their research, exchange knowledge and share their own ideas.
The on-line workshop aims at integrating biology and bioinformatics
disciplines, encourage, generate, and strengthen a collaborative network
and meaningful interactions amongst young scientists that have different
skills, promoting future projects and collaborations.
Registration is *FREE*
On the website _https://www.blendingbb.it_ you will find detailed
information about the topics, the program, the speakers, deadlines, and
the organization. Submission deadline for scientific contributions
is December 2th, 2022.
Best regards,
YMW chair
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