[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] Applications open for the 2023 EMBO Practical Course "Population Genomics: background and tools"

General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list elixir-ita_ml.elixir-ita.cnr.it a srv00.area.ba.cnr.it
Mar 20 Dic 2022 16:34:08 CET

Dear All,

*We are pleased to inform you that applications for the **upcoming EMBO
Practical Course "Population Genomics: background and tools"*
 *are now open!*

The course will take place on 13-19 March 2023 in the outstanding island of
Procida (Naples, Italy), elected 2022 Italian Capital of Culture.

We would be grateful if you could forward the advert to students and
collaborators who may be interested.

*IMPORTANT DATES for this Course*
Deadline for applications: 03/01/2023
Latest notification of acceptance: 12/01/2023
Course dates: 13-19/03/2023

Registration fee waivers, travel and child care grants available!

Full details, including the course programme, invited speakers and the
application form, at: https://meetings.embo.org/event/23-pop-genomics

In this EMBO Practical Course, participants will learn fundamental concepts
and advanced approaches to reconstruct the demographic history of
populations and infer natural selection, using both classic and machine
learning-based techniques. Participants will also learn the essential and
advanced programming skills required to run the analyses related to the
concept presented, with a special focus on machine learning. Keynote
lectures focused on major achievements and future perspectives of
population genomics will complement the training. Lectures and practicals
are delivered by experienced outstanding and inspiring speakers. We expect
participants to become fully confident in running analyses on their own
after attending the course.

This course aims at evolutionary biologists who already have basic
bioinformatics skills. Good knowledge of R is a pre-requisite and knowledge
of Python is a plus. Ph.D. students and Postdoc researchers will benefit
the most out of this course, but applications from all candidates will be
evaluated in their context.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

Sent on behalf of Chiara Batini, Vincenza Colonna and Andrea Manica

EMBO POPGEN Organizers

*You have received this email because you have expressed an interest in
EMBO POPGEN courses. If you no longer wish to receive these communications,
please let us know replying “unsubscribe” to this message.*

*ELIXIR-IIB Training *
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