[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] Call for papers - CIBB 2021 - 17th International Conference on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics

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Gio 16 Set 2021 11:02:23 CEST

Please feel free to forward this call to any potentially interested 

CIBB 2021 - 17th International Conference on Computational Intelligence 
Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
*online *edition, *15-17 November 2021*

Call for papers is currently open, deadline is *September 25th*.

CIBB is one of the world leading conferences on computational 
intelligence applied to bioinformatics and biostatistics.

In 2021 the CIBB conference will continue to evolve and provide an 
advanced multidisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas, research 
results, and industry experience in a range of key areas such as 
computational intelligence, machine learning, bioinformatics, 
biostatistics, computational biology, data mining, pattern recognition, 
statistical methods applied to biological datasets, and many others.
In its entirety the event will include a scientific programme with 
special sessions of specific topics and keynote talks given by 
internationally renowned high-level scientists of these fields.

The CIBB 2021 conference will a wonderful opportunity to learn more 
about the current trends in machine learning and computational 
statistics applied to bioinformatics and medical data.

Authors are invited to submit their contributions for review 
electronically. Short pages are solicited in a wide range of topics.
All submitted papers will be peer reviewed. Accepted ones will be 
invited to be resubmitted as extended versions for the Springer Lecture 
Notes in Bioinformatics proceedings book or to the supplements in the 
BMC Bioinformatics and BMC Medical Informatics journals.

See more details at http://www.isa.cnr.it/cibb2021/

Important dates:
Short paper submission: 25 September 2021
Acceptance/rejection notification: 15 October 2021
Camera ready due: 30 October 2021
Conference: 15-17 November 2021

For author's instructions and further information, visit the conference 

Feel free to contact the Conference Organizers via email by writing to: 


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