[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] SIBBM 2021 virtual meeting - diffondete per favore!

General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list elixir-ita_ml.elixir-ita.cnr.it a srv00.area.ba.cnr.it
Mer 5 Maggio 2021 19:16:47 CEST

Ricevo e inoltro volentieri.


Dear Colleague,

We would like to highlight the SIBBM 2021 "*FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR 
BIOLOGY*" virtual meeting that will take place on June 7th - 10th, 2021.

Online registrations are now open at 

The Seminar includes four sessions with invited speakers and short talks 
selected from submitted abstracts:

*Metabolism, epigenetics and transcription*

*Metabolism, stem cells and cancer*

*Metabolism and cellular stress*

*Metabolism: novel techniques and “omics” data integration*

All scientists are encouraged to present their research activity also 
besides the main 2021 SIBBM seminar topics. About half of the speakers 
will be selected from the poster presentations, and several prizes to 
the best selected speakers and to best poster presenters will be 
awarded, including the Nana Onlus prize for the best selected poster 
speaker on a cancer research subject.

Editors from prestigious international journals (Cell Metabolism, eLife, 
EMBO Journal, Journal of Cell Science and Nature Metabolism) will attend 
the meeting.

We also are pleased to provide a limited number of Childcare grant to 
cover childcare costs incurred by participants or speakers when 
participating in this virtual event.

Please register and submit your abstract starting from 10 April 2021. 
The deadline for abstract submissions is May 3, 2021.

More information is available on the SIBBM Seminar website


Feel free to share this email and the flyer with colleagues who may be 

/The Organising Committee/

/Sirio Dupont, Graziano Martello, Massimo Santoro/


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Graziano Martello, PhD
Associate Professor of Histology
Armenise-Harvard Pluripotent Stem cell laboratory
Dept. of Biology
University of Padova
Viale G. Colombo, 3
35131 Padova - Italy

Office: +39 049 827 6088
Email: graziano.martello a unipd.it <mailto:graziano.martello a unipd.it>____

Web: https://martellolab.org 

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