[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] Postdoctoral position in bioinformatics at ULB Bruxelles

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Mer 3 Mar 2021 14:01:42 CET

The Computational Biology and Bioinformatics group of the Brussels
University (ULB) is seeking candidates for a postdoctoral position.

*Research context*:

The understanding of the biophysical mechanisms that drive single
nucleobase substitutions in different regions of the human genome is one of
the key questions of the post-genomic era. These mutations, whether
inherited or somatic, are potentially responsible for a huge range of rare
and complex diseases. The rationalization of these mechanisms is highly
intricate, since base substitutions depend on the nucleotide sequence
context and can be triggered by a wide range of physical, chemical or
biological factors.

*Objective*: In the AtOme project, we will bridge the gap between the
atomic-level characterization of mutagenesis processes and the resulting
phenotypic traits. More specifically, we will investigate the role of DNA
charge transport in mutational and pathogenic processes using a multiscale
computational approach combining quantum chemistry, machine learning and

*Offer*: A full time postdoctoral position for 2 years. Flexible starting
date, between now and October 2021. Possibility of extension through an
FNRS postdoctoral research grant or a Marie Curie EC grant.


-  PhD degree in Sciences (Bioinformatics, Bioengineer, Physics, Chemistry,

-  Excellent programming skills.

-  Excellent publication record.

-  Maximum 6 years research experience after PhD.

-  International mobility (maximum 24 months of residence in Belgium in the
last 3 years).


-  Experience in the area of quantum chemistry, machine learning, and/or
genome bioinformatics.

*Contact*: Please submit: (1) a cover letter detailing your background and
interest in the position, (2) a full CV and (3) two references (with name,
email, address, phone number), to M. Rooman (mrooman a ulb.ac.be).
*Application deadline: *June 1, 2021
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