[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] Fwd: [ELIXIR comms-teams] [#11February] This is for you, nominate ELIXIR colleagues International Day of Women and Girls in Science
General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list
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Gio 28 Gen 2021 11:05:28 CET
ELIXIR è alla ricerca di coloro che si distinguono come sostenitori dell'uguaglianza di genere nella scienza. Saranno selezionati i migliori candidati, mostreranno le loro storie e li ringrazieranno per il loro impegno e supporto l'11 febbraio su tutti i canali social. Chi è interessato a candidare un collega può compilare il sondaggio al link https://bit.ly/39YaTMV <https://bit.ly/39YaTMV>
> Inizio messaggio inoltrato:
> Da: Xenia Perez Sitja <xenia.sitja a elixir-europe.org>
> Oggetto: [ELIXIR comms-teams] [#11February] This is for you, nominate ELIXIR colleagues
> Data: 28 gennaio 2021 10:13:12 CET
> A: comms-teams a elixir-europe.org
> Good morning everyone,
> Apologies for cross-posting.
> You might have already seen that we are preparing a new ELIXIR campaign for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on the 11th of February.
> We want to hear from all ELIXIR Nodes. We are looking for ELIXIR people that stand out as advocates for gender equality in science.
> We have prepared some nice visuals, videos and some suggestions for social media and newsletters (see below).
> You will find all videos, gifs and images for you to use in this folder>>.
> I'd very much appreciate your help and I hope you get involved in this exciting campaign that affects us all.
> Option 1
> Who inspired you? Who was a role model?
> It might be a manager, your partner in crime in the 'virtual office' or a new starter that surprised you
> Nominate your ELIXIR colleagues that advocate for gender #equality
> ➡️ https://bit.ly/39YaTMV
> #11February #ELIXIRforEquality
> Option 2
> Be it a woman or a man, we want to celebrate those who fight for gender #equality in science
> Nominate your ELIXIR colleagues to be showcased across @ELIXIREurope
> ➡️ https://bit.ly/39YaTMV
> #11February #ELIXIRforEquality
> This is for you (she/her & he/him)
> International Day of Women and Girls in Science
> 11 February 2021
> Commemorating the UN celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, ELIXIR is preparing a campaign to involve all members. ELIXIR is looking for those who stand out as advocates for gender equality in science.
> They will select the best candidates, showcase their stories and thank them for their efforts and support on the 11th of February across all their channels.
> Fill in the survey to nominate a colleague: https://bit.ly/39YaTMV
> Thanks a lot!
> --
> Xènia Pérez Sitjà
> Communications & Community Outreach Officer
> www.elixir-europe.org
> ELIXIR Hub, South Building
> Wellcome Genome Campus
> Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SD, UK
> Tel: +44 (0) 7599704878
> E-Mail: xenia.sitja a elixir-europe.org
> _______________________________________________
> Comms-teams mailing list
> Comms-teams a elixir-europe.org
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