[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] Junior postoc position at UNIPD

General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list elixir-ita_ml.elixir-ita.cnr.it a srv00.area.ba.cnr.it
Mar 6 Apr 2021 15:05:20 CEST

Dear ELIXIR-IT members,

We are looking for*a junior postdoc* to join the BioComputingUP lab at 
the University of Padova, Italy, with a two year fellowship. The 
successful candidate will work on the project */“Connecting the dots 
around ARNT, AhR and HIF-1a to contrast cancer development”,/* funded by 
Dipartimento (SID). Anno 2020.

Candidates should comply with the following requirements:
- Possess a PhD degree in either Bioinformatics, Cancer Biology, 
Biotechnology Sciences, or an equivalent degree
- Have a strong interest in interdisciplinary research
- A proven track record of applying pathway and network analysis methods 
to investigate mechanisms of disease
- Accomplished user of medical and biological databases to seek insight 
into mechanisms of disease
- Be proficient in programming languages such as Python, as well as 
Linux systems.
- Be fluent in spoken and written English
- Experience in an experimental laboratory is desirable but not mandatory.

Send your CV, a motivation letter, and a short description of your 
research background as well as the names of two (or more) references to: 
biocomp a bio.unipd.it.*

More information are available at https://biocomputingup.it/news/jrpostdoc

Please feel free to forward this notice to anyone who may be interested 
in applying.

BioComputingUP lab, prof. Silvio Tosatto
University of Padova

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