[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] Fwd: [Eosc-life-partners] Request to Disseminate: Launch of EOSC-Life Digital Life Sciences Open Call

General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list elixir-ita_ml.elixir-ita.cnr.it a srv00.area.ba.cnr.it
Mar 15 Set 2020 09:55:53 CEST

Dear EOSC-Life Community,

EOSC-Life has launched its first Digital Life Sciences Open Call: A 
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC-Life) call for projects sharing data, 
tools and workflows in the cloud. This call offers financial support for 
projects, to enable life science researchers to connect their research 
to the cloud, alongside training, advice and assistance from data 
experts, tool developers and cloud specialists.

As this call is open to all researchers who can receive EU funding, *we 
kindly ask you to forward this information to your network. *We are 
eager to reach potential applicants both within and beyond the EOSC-Life 
Consortium and RI system.

Proposals should align with the goals of EOSC (European Open Science 
Cloud) – i.e. enabling data sharing for the purpose of furthering 
scientific research. The project’s overarching aim is to make life 
science research data publicly available in a FAIR 
<https://www.go-fair.org/fair-principles/>(Findable, Accessible, 
Interoperable, Reusable) way in the EOSC.

Proposals should fit with one or more of the following themes:

   * Data curation, handling and integration for publishing into the cloud
   * Tool interoperability, workflows and containerisation
   * Cloud deployment and resources

Deadline for proposal submission is 22 December 2020.

Find out more about eligibility, application and review processes and 
budgeting by visiting www.eosc-life.eu/opencall 

*Please forward this email directly to your contacts. *In addition:****

  1. *This folder
     *is chock full of*outreach materials for your website and social 
  2. If you are*speaking at an online or in-person event, *please
     consider*inserting our slide
     into your presentation*
  3. *Follow EOSC-Life on Twitter <https://twitter.com/EoscLife> *to
     receive updates and reminders, and please*retweet to your communities!*
  4. *If you didn’t receive our newsletter
     <https://mailchi.mp/eosc-life/digital-life-sciences-open-call> *this
     morning*, subscribe now
  5. *Any questions? Email opencall a eosc-life.eu
     <mailto:opencall a eosc-life.eu>. *


Thanks in advance for your support!

*Caitlin Ahern *

/Communications Officer/




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