[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] Research fellow/ senior research fellow, UCL Genetics Institute and Institute of Health Informatics
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Mar 21 Gen 2020 13:35:52 CET
Salve a tutti,
vi giro una email che mi ha mandato una collega dell' University College of
London per una posizione al Genetics Institute and Institute of Health
Vi prego di inoltrare questa email a coloro che potrebbero essere
Grazie e cari saluti
Luana Licata
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Kuchenbaecker, Karoline <k.kuchenbaecker a ucl.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: URGENT please respond - Rome meeting
To: Luana Licata <luana.licata a gmail.com>
Dear Luana
All the best for 2020!
I am contacting you to ask a favor. We have been advertising a postdoc
position several times without finding a suitable candidate, even though it
should be quite an attractive post. This is our last chance the use the
funds and hire someone. I am keen to get this advertised more widely
outside the UK. So I would be very grateful if you could let me know in
case you can think of someone for this post. Also are there any email lists
at your institute or for genetics/genetic epidemiology/statistics in Italy
where this email could be circulated?
Many thanks and best wishes
*Research fellow/ senior research fellow, UCL Genetics Institute and
Institute of Health Informatics*
We are seeking a talented scientist trained in genetic epidemiology to join
our dynamic and growing team working at the intersection of genomics, data
science, and cardiovascular disease.
Great data and a supportive environment to develop skills and experience
A collaborative team of genetic epidemiologists, statistical
geneticists, and data scientists.
Play a leading role in analysis projects within the HERMES consortium
Wide-ranging opportunities for career development at UCL and HDR London.
We will support you towards personal fellowship and scientific
The position is initially until 28 February 2022, with opportunities to
This is a post-doctoral fellowship at UCL Genetics Institute and Institute
of Health Informatics to investigate the genetics of heart failure and
dilated cardiomyopathy. A range of projects is available based on local
disease cohorts, the global HERMES consortium
platform, EHR-linked data from GeL and UK Biobank, and with BigData a Heart
This is a great opportunity to develop your skills and experience and there
are lots of opportunities for career development at UCL. For more
information, contact Tom Lumbers (t.lumbers a ucl.ac.uk) or Karoline
Kuchenbaecker (k.kuchenbaecker a ucl.ac.uk).
Salary range: £35,965 - £52,701 per annum (Grade 7 or 8, depending on
For details and to apply with CV - https://tinyurl.com/smv4ky4
Applications are open until 7th February.
Dr Karoline Kuchenbaecker
Associate Professor
University College London
Twitter: @KKuchenbaecker
Luana Licata, PhD
ELIXIR-Italy - Local Technical Coordinator (LTeC)
MINT database coordinator
Scientific database curator
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Unit,
Dept. of Molecular Biology
University of Rome Tor Vergata,
Via della Ricerca Scientifica, snc
00133 Rome - ITALY
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