[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] IDPfun Webinars
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Mar 15 Dic 2020 11:16:32 CET
Sperando di fare cosa gradita, vi segnaliamo gli *IDPfun Webinars*, una
serie di eventi promossa dal consorzio internazionale IDPfun - Driving
the functional characterization of intrinsically disordered proteins.
Alla presente includo l'invito con i dettagli della prossima sessione di
webinar, che si terr� venerd� 18 dicembre p.v. alle ore 17.
L'evento avr� una durata complessiva di circa un'ora.
IDPfun vede il coinvolgimento di vari membri di Elixir Europe, tra cui
Norman Davey, Zsuzsanna Dosztanyi, Toby Gibson, Peter Tompa e Silvio
Ringraziandovi per l'attenzione, porgo cordiali saluti.
Diana Battistella
BioComputing UP lab (PI: Silvio Tosatto)
Dept. of Biomedical Sciences
University of Padova
Stripo TEST: "IDPfun Webinar !"
Dear all,
We are happy to invite you to our third _*IDPfun webinar
<https://stripoemail.sn.am/3srkH7BPWj4GsA5qxGl>*_�on *Friday December
18th at 5PM CET / 1PM GMT-3*. Registration is required (form available
The talks for this session are:
*/Short linear motif candidates in the cell entry system used /*
*/by SARS-CoV-2 and their potential therapeutic implications/*
Toby Gibson
(European Molecular Biology Laboratory - Germany)
*/Coevolution of disordered proteins in complexes/*
Javier Iserte
(Fundaci�n Instituto Leloir�- Argentina)
*+ Q&A sessions *with our speakers
Chair: Lucia B.Chemes (Universidad Nacional de San Mart�n - Argentina)
18 DEC 2020
5PM CET / 1 PM GMT-3
registration form <https://stripoemail.sn.am/3srkH7XOD0eHyKNPDul>
What is IDPfun?
What is IDPfun? <https://stripoemail.sn.am/3srkH7tMtIEJ4UexTWl> Contact
Contact <mailto:idpfun a ngp-net.bio.unipd.it> Follow us
Follow us <https://stripoemail.sn.am/3srkH8FLZZoKAewVjel>
/This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon
2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 778247./
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