[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] Fwd: [Galaxy-wg] Galaxy-ELIXIR webinar series: FAIR data and Open Infrastructures to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic

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Gio 30 Apr 2020 12:26:24 CEST

-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto: 	[Galaxy-wg] Galaxy-ELIXIR webinar series: FAIR data and Open 
Infrastructures to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic
Data: 	Thu, 30 Apr 2020 11:48:23 +0200
Mittente: 	Björn Grüning <bjoern.gruening a gmail.com>
A: 	ELIXIR Galaxy Working Group <galaxy-wg a elixir-europe.org>

Hi all,

in case this has not reached you, there is a webinar series organized by 
ELIXIR the five following weeks (mostly Thursday), 17-18, to demonstrate 
how open software and public research infrastructures can be used in 
analysing and publishing SARS-CoV2 data.

Topic for __today__:

Session 1: Introduction to Galaxy and the Galaxy workflows for 
SARS-CoV-2 data analysis

Speakers for today include:

Anton Nekrutenko, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at
Penn State University (USA) and co-founder of the Galaxy
Sergei Pond, Professor of Biology, Institute for Genomics and
Evolutionary Medicine, Temple University, US
Frederik Coppens, Head of Node of ELIXIR Belgium and Co-Lead of
the ELIXIR Galaxy Community

For more information please see:



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