[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] [ELIXIR-EXCELERATE] Train-the-Trainer course - 30-31 May 2019 - Padua, Italy
General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list
elixir-ita_ml.elixir-ita.cnr.it a srv00.area.ba.cnr.it
Gio 4 Apr 2019 16:54:05 CEST
Please circulate this email to those who might be interested.
ELIXIR-EXCELERATE, in collaboration with ELIXIR-IIB, is pleased to announce
a Train the Trainer (TtT) event.
Course date: 30-31 May, 2019
University of Padua, Campus of Biology and Biomedicine “Fiore di Botta”,
We will accept a maximum of 20 participants. Priority will be given to
candidates from Elixir Italy institutes and other ELIXIR Nodes.
Notifications of acceptance will be sent shortly after the application,
which will remain open until we reach 20 participants.
Full details and the application form at:
The course is organized around four sessions, covering:
* Learning principles and how they apply to training and teaching
* Teaching techniques that can be used to enhance learner engagement and
* Lesson, course, and materials design
* Assessment and feedback in training and teaching
Examples and discussions will also focus on the challenges presented by
academic teaching.
Who may be interested in this course?
Whoever wants to become a teacher or a better one. If you have questions
like the following ones, this course may be very helpful to you.
* How learning works?
* How can I use learning principles to improve my teaching?
* How can I make my teaching more engaging and effective?
* How should I adjust my teaching to different types of learners?
* How can I help slow learners?
* How can I assess whether my students are actually understanding my
lessons? Are they actually learning?
* What is the best balance between theory and practice?
* How can I best assess whether learning is occurring and/or has occurred?
* What works in a classroom and what doesn’t?
* Etc.
Should you have any question about organizational issues, do not hesitate
to contact us at elixir.ita.training a gmail.com.
If you have questions regarding the course goals and content, you may
contact Allegra Via (allegra.via a gmail.com).
Thank you for your interest,
Loredana Le Pera
(ELIXIR-IIB Deputy Training Coordinator)
*ELIXIR-IIB Training *
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