[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] NETTAB 2018: Call for posters and software demoes - deadline is approaching

General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list elixir-ita_ml.elixir-ita.cnr.it a srv00.area.ba.cnr.it
Mar 11 Set 2018 14:57:06 CEST

Dear all,

this is reminder that the deadline for the submission of abstracts for posters for next NETTAB 2018 workshop is set to next Sunday September 16, 2018.
See the Instructions for authors here below.

Devoted to the FAIR approach, tools and applications in bioinformatics, it is for sure one of the best programmes set up for a NETTAB workshop.
I invite everybody to have a careful look at the programme at http://www.igst.it/nettab/2018/programme/scientific-programme/ .

Here is a quick summary of the programme.


*       Are we FAIR yet? And will it be worth it?
      Michel Dumontier, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands
*       FAIR data, tools and workflows: a user perspective
      Frederik Coppens, VIB, University of Gent, Belgium, & ELIXIR Belgium
*       ELIXIR Core Data Resources: FAIR, community and impact
      Christine Durinx, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Switzerland
*       Challenges in adopting FAIR principles in Training
      Patricia Palagi, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Switzerland


*       Paradigm shifts in health informatics needed for leveraging FAIR data environments
      Amnon Shabo, The International Academy of Health Sciences Informatics
*       A FAIR approach to Research Data Stewardship and Data Stewardship Planning - Guest Lecture
      Rob Hooft, Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences - DTLS, The Netherlands
*       BioExcel & ELIXIR: towards interoperable and reproducible biomolecular research workflows
      Adam Hospital, IRB Barcelona, Spain
*       FAIR data and EOSC: Strategy for finding and accessing datasets at EOSC
      Rafael Jimenez, ELIXIR Europe, United Kingdom
*       Standards and SOP implementation in the life-sciences research: a snapshot from the CA CHARME
      Domenica D'Elia, CNR/ITB, Bari, Italy
*       From rare to FAIR data in the rare disease community
      Marco Roos, Leiden University Medical Centre - LUMC, The Netherlands


*       Bioschemas, a lightway approach to enable FAIRer data resources
      Leyla Jael Garcia Castro, Ricardo Arcila, Rafael Jimenez, Victoria Dominguez del Angel
      Organized in collaboration with ELIXIR.
*       The ELIXIR Data Stewardship Wizard - how to guide life science researchers towards FAIR data management
      Rob Hooft, Vojtěch Knaisl, Jan Slifka
      Organized by ELIXIR-NL and ELIXIR-CZ.


*       Adopting Open Source Software FAIR Practices
      Allegra Via and Mateusz Kuzak
      Organized by ELIXIR-IIB

I hope that many of you will take this occasion to present their work and I'm looking forward to meeting you in Genoa soon.

All the best. Paolo Romano


Building a FAIR Bioinformatics environment
Genova, October 22-24, 2018

Instructions for authors
Abstracts for posters and software demonstrations must be submitted as PDF files through EasyChair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nettab2018 .

Accepted abstracts must then be revised and resubmitted for inclusion in the Proceedings.
No Copyright form or permission is required for abstracts, since proceedings won't be officially published.
Authors of all works presented at the workshop will be invited to a Call for papers for a Special Issue in an International Journal with IF.

Instructions for the preparation of the abstract:
*       page size: A4; all margins: 2cm; paragraphs justified; single line spacing
*       font: Arial (or Helvetica); sizes: title 14pts; authors' names 11pts; affiliations 10pts; section headings 12pts; body text 11pts; bibliography 10pts
*       length: max 2 pages for posters and software demos
*       sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions (omit for posters and software demos), References
*       tables and figures: include one per type, only when needed

Templates for MS Word<http://www.igst.it/nettab/2016/files/2016/05/NETTAB2016_shortTemplateForAbstracts.docx> and LaTeX<http://www.igst.it/nettab/2016/files/2016/06/Latex-template-abstract-NETTAB.txt> (renamed as txt for security reasons) are available at http://www.igst.it/nettab/2018/submissions/instructions-for-authors/ .

are due within Sunday September 16, 2018.
A short delay may be acceptable, please get in touch wit the organizers at nettab.workshops a gmail.com<mailto:nettab.workshops a gmail.com> .

Instructions for the preparation of posters
The maximum poster size is A1 in portrait format, i.e. 84,1 cm (height) x 59,4 cm (width).
Note that posters will be displayed on a limited number of panels: it is essential that all posters are printed in the appropriate format.
Presenters are invited to attend their poster when possible and to leave their contact information near to the poster.

Paolo Romano
Ospedale Policlinico San Martino
Genova, Italy

Skype: p.romano
Email: paolo.romano a hsanmartino.it - paolo.dm.romano a gmail.com

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