[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] [ELIXIR-EXCELERATE] Train-the-Trainer course - 26-27 March 2018 - Paris, France

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Ven 9 Mar 2018 14:35:37 CET


Please circulate this email to those who might be interested.

ELIXIR-FR in collaboration with ELIXIR-IT and Swiss Institute of
Bioinformatics (SIB) are pleased to announce a Train the Trainer (TtT)


Course date: 26-27 March, 2018

VENUE: Institut Pasteur, 25-28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France

We will accept a maximum of 25 participants. Priority will be given to
candidates from Elixir- France and ELIXIR nodes. Notifications of
acceptance will be sent shortly after the application, which will remain
open until we reach 25 participants.

Full details and the application form at:


The course is organized around four sessions, covering:

* Learning principles and how they apply to training and teaching

* Teaching techniques that can be used to enhance learner engagement and

* Assessment and feedback in training and teaching

* Lesson, course, and materials design

Examples and discussions will also focus on the challenges presented by
academic teaching.

Who may be interested in this course?

Whoever wants to become a teacher or a better one. If you have questions
like the following ones, this course may be very helpful to you.

* How learning works?

* How can I use learning principles to improve my teaching?

* How can I make my teaching more engaging and effective?

* How should I adjust my teaching to different types of learners?

* How can I help slow learners?

* How can I assess whether my students are actually understanding my

 lessons? Are they actually learning?

* What is the best balance between theory and practice?

* How can I best assess whether learning is occurring and/or has occurred?

* What works in a classroom and what doesn’t?

* Etc.

Should you have any question about organizational issues, do not hesitate
to contact the local organizer Victoria Dominguez Del Angel (
victoria.dominguez a france-bioinformatique.fr).

If you have questions regarding the course goals and content, you may
contact the trainers: Allegra Via (allegra.via a gmail.com) and Patricia
Palagi (patricia.palagi a sib.swiss).

Thank you for your interest,
Loredana Le Pera.

*ELIXIR-IIB Training *
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