[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] [ELIXIR-IIB] Software Carpentry Workshop - Milano (Italy), 22-23 Feb 2018

General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list elixir-ita_ml.elixir-ita.cnr.it a srv00.area.ba.cnr.it
Mer 3 Gen 2018 12:51:03 CET


Please circulate this email to those who might be interested.

The University of Milano Bicocca (Italy) in collaboration with ELIXIR-IIB,

is pleased to announce the upcoming Software Carpentry workshop.


Deadline for applications: 25 January 2018
Course date: 22-23 February 2018

FEE: 30€

A maximum of 30 candidates will be accepted in the course.

Chosen participants will be notified by 27 January 2018; all information 
and payment details will be sent by email.

VENUE: University of Milano-Bicocca

(lab 716, floor 1, building U7, Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8 - 20126 


This hands-on workshop will cover basic concepts and tools, including 
program design, version control, data management, and task automation. 
Participants will be encouraged to help one another and to apply what 
they have learned to their own research problems. In particular, in this 
workshop we will cover the Unix Shell, programming in Python and version 
control with Git.

Full details at: 

Should you have any question, do not hesitate to contact the ELIXIR-IIB 
Training Team (elixir.ita.training a gmail.com 
<mailto:elixir.ita.training a gmail.com>) and/or the local organiser Dr. 
Gianluca Della Vedova (gianluca a dellavedova.org 
<mailto:gianluca a dellavedova.org>).

We apologise for cross-posting.

Please, email us back with the word REMOVE as the subject line, if you 
don't want to receive messages from ELIXIR-IIB Training anymore.

Kind regards,

the Organisers.

*ELIXIR-IIB Training *

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