[ELIXIR-ITA_ml] Fwd: NETTAB hackathon

General ELIXIR-Italy Mailing list elixir-ita_ml.elixir-ita.cnr.it a srv00.area.ba.cnr.it
Gio 28 Lug 2016 16:39:16 CEST

Cari tutti,

vi inoltro la mail degli organizzatori relativa all'Hackaton organizzato 
da ELIXIR che si terrą in occasione di NETTAB 2016.

Federico Zambelli



sono lieto di inviarvi l'annuncio dell'hackathon.

Come indicato, ci saranno due argomenti principali.
Oltre a Rafael Jimenez e Jon Ison dovrebbero essere presenti Bjorn 
Gruning e Jacques van Helden.
Abbiamo intenzione di chiedere anche a Olivier Collin e Olivier Sallou, 
di BioShaDock, e Yasset Perez-Riverol di BioDocker se sono interessati a 

Siete invitati a registrare il vostro interesse nel documento google doc 

A presto. Paolo

Dear all,

A one day bioinformatics hackathon organized by ELIXIR will be held in 
Rome, Italy, in occasion of the NETTAB 2016 Workshop.

The hackathon will be held on Monday October 24, 2016, from 10.00 AM to 
7.00 PM, the day before the workshop.
See details and register at http://tinyurl.com/registryhackathon10 .

The hackathon will include the following two main strands:
     Biosoftware description using bio.tools and schema.org
     Deployment of bioinformatics tools and services through Docker

Biosoftware description using bio.tools and schema.org This session will 
provide a forum for knowledge exchange, technical discussions and 
hacking on the ELIXIR Tools & Data Services Registry (bio.tools) and the 
bioschemas project (bioschemas.org), with focus on extending schema.org 
for bioinformatics tools in a way that is compatible with bio.tools. 
Participants will self-organise on the day and can pursue any tasks or 
discussion of interest.
The expected activities and outcomes include:
     Understand the aims of bio.tools & bioschemas and see how you can 
     Review existing software description models in bio.tools and schema.org
     Map the bio.tools and schema.org models
     Come up with a bioschemas bioinformatics software specification and 
produce a candidate type for schema.org
     Trial mark-up of bio.tools tool cards (e.g. 
     Explore provision of such mark-up – for use on local sites – as a 
bio.tools service

Deployment of bioinformatics tools and services through Docker This 
strand will provide a forum for knowledge exchange, technical 
discussions and hacking along the following lines:
     Docker+Galaxy integration: deployment of bioinformatics tools and 
services in Galaxy through Docker, Galaxy development made easy
     Galaxy in Docker and Galaxy flavours: 
     Docker-ization of ELIXIR-ITA services/tools.
     Docker-iRODS integration (see https://github.com/gmauro/boxed-irods)
     Docker-ization with layer-donning: RIP Dockerfiles, the easiest way 
to create efficient images without doing anything! 
     How to ensure compatibility between containers? Study case: 
integration of various NGS packages within a same docker image: 
sometimes not obvious to combine existing containers.

Both technical & non-technical people is welcome!
Register by adding your name in the following public document:

Paolo Romano
Genova, Italy

Skype: p.romano
Email: paolo.romano a hsanmartino.it - paolo.dm.romano a gmail.com


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